Dr. Michael Heck

Hello, I am Michael. I am a natural language processing researcher with a background in automatic speech recognition and currently focusing on dialogue systems.

I am a member of the Dialog Systems and Machine Learning Group at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany, where I work with Milica Gašić. My current research interests revolve around representation learning in the context of dialogue systems and dialogue state tracking.

I graduated with a Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng.) from Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan in 2018. My doctoral course research interests were acoustic modeling for automatic speech processing, unsupervised learning, representation learning, and other machine learning challenges. For my doctoral thesis, I conducted zero resource speech processing research where I used Bayesian nonparametric methods to tackle the task of unsupervised subword modeling and speech representation learning. My supervisors were Satoshi Nakamura and Sakriani Sakti. From 2018 to 2019 I was Technical Staff in the RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP), Tourism Information Analytics (TIA) Team, Japan.

Apart from my current research focus and my doctoral course interests I am experienced in building large scale automatic speech recognition systems, automatic language identification, automatic speech segmentation, among other speech processing related topics.

I graduated from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) with a diploma in Informatics (Dipl.-Inform.) after writing my thesis during a scholarship-supported internship period at NAIST. At KIT I worked with Alex Waibel and Sebastian Stüker.


9th-14th July 2023 - Two presentations at ACL 2023 in Toronto, Canada

12th June 2023 - Interview for Rheinische Post about "Dangers of AI" (link) (archived)

4th May 2023 - Presentation "ChatGPT und Lehre im Studiengang Pharmazie: Wie kann/darf ich das nutzen?" at HHU

2nd May 2023 - Acceptance of our ChatGPT related paper at ACL 2023 (pre-print)

13th March 2023 - Presentation "Explaining the Sensation: An Accessible Introduction to ChatGPT" at HHU

Selected Talks


ACL 2023

ChatGPT for Zero-shot Dialogue State Tracking:
A Solution or an Opportunity?


HeiCAD Special Event

Explaining the Sensation:
An Accessible Introduction to ChatGPT



Towards Adaptive and Evolving Task-oriented Dialogue Systems



Out-of-Task Training for Dialog State Tracking Models



TripPy: A Triple Copy Strategy for Value Independent Neural Dialog State Tracking


Get in touch with me at michael [dot] heck [at] hhu [dot] de

Universitätsstr. 1 Building 25.12, Düsseldorf, Germany 40225